Friday, April 20, 2012

Could lifestyle affect your fertility ?

It is not uncommon to have a patient ask, “Why has the sperm count dropped? Is there anything I’ve done that caused the problem or something I can do to improve my fertility?”

The first step is to complete a medical history looking for medical conditions or medications that may interfere with sperm function. Are you a smoker? We know that smoking can reduce sperm quality by interfering with DNA integrity and ultimately reduce the chance of pregnancy. Long distance bicycle riding, hot tub use, saunas, and long distance driving can increase testicular temperature and reduce production of healthy sperm. The urological evaluation will include an examination which may suggest infection, blockages or dilated testicular veins all of which may interfere with fertility. A recent European study on male fertility quoted below indicates that simply looking at sperm volume, concentration or motility may not adequately predict fertility potential of a semen sample. This study finds that a normal semen analysis may not fully predict normal fertility potential. The study suggests that lifestyle habits and diet must be considered and steps should be taken to reduce exposure to toxins and pollutants, improve diet and avoid lifestyle habits that can interfere with fertility.

Below is an excerpt on the findings of the European study of sperm samples.

“A recent European study looked at sperm samples obtained between 2000 and 2009. While sperm samples from Spain ranked near the bottom for volume, motility and concentration, when it came to the capacity of the sperm sample to generate a pregnancy, Spanish men were near the European average.

The samples from men in northern Europe showed seminal quality below levels recommended for fertility. In fact, this study found that 40% of men from Denmark may have reduced fertility. The authors consider lifestyle habits, diet, and exposure to pollutants and environmental toxins as potential causes. “

References: Jaime Mendiola, Alberto M. Torres-Cantero, Jesús Vioque, José M. Moreno-Grau, Jorge Ten, Manuela Roca, Stella Moreno-Grau, y Rafael Bernabeu. “A low intake of antioxidant nutrients is associated with poor semen quality in patients attending fertility clinics”. Fertility and Sterility 2009, published online, May 2009.

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