Sunday, May 13, 2012

Importance of minerals in food

Importance of Minerals in Food
By Sarah Ince, eHow Contributor

Importance of Minerals in Food
Vegetables, fruit, grains, and beans are just a few foods that contain important vitamins and minerals needed for the growth and development of tissues. Minerals are vital nutrients because they help the body maintain a proper pH balance. Minerals occur naturally in the earth. They are found in rocks, dirt, mineral salts, and other types of soil. Minerals are absorbed into food through the soil with the help of the sun. As plants grow, they absorb nutrition from the sun and the soil. Minerals are just as vital as vitamins. Minerals found in food help to keep bones strong as well as improving nerve function.
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Taking a mineral supplement is one way to give your body extra minerals, but it is even more important to get your minerals from foods. The human body is better able to absorb minerals from food. The most common minerals found in vegetables and fruit are calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. These minerals are found in high concentrations because they are needed by the body more than other trace minerals such as copper, iodine, manganese, and boron.

Organic food
Organic food contains higher concentrations of vitamins and minerals because it is grown without the use of harmful herbicides and pesticides. Organic food grown locally is even higher in nutrients because it has not traveled very far to get to you. When food travels from another country or across state lines valuable nutrition is lost during shipping. If possible eat organic local fruits and vegetables.

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Bone health
Minerals found in food contribute to healthy strong bones and teeth. One of the most important minerals for bone health is calcium. Calcium is also better absorbed by the body when it is combined with other minerals such as magnesium. Calcium also has other important roles in the body. This mineral stimulates enzymes to promote healthy digestion in addition to preventing muscle cramps.

Heart health
Calcium also contributes to heart health. For instance, calcium helps to regulate the heartbeat in addition to preventing blood clots. The heart muscle thrives on calcium in order to maintain health. Foods rich in calcium are dark leafy green vegetables, raw cow's milk, raw goat's milk, cheese, yogurt, and carrots. If you are allergic to milk a good calcium rich alternative is raw carrot juice.

Mineral Rich Super Foods
Spirulina is a super food that is rich in minerals, vitamins, protein, amino acids and other nutrients. Spirulina can be purchased in pill or powder form online or at your local health food store. This super food is a blue green sea algae found in the ocean, but now it is grown and harvested all over the world. Chlorella is another sea algae that is also rich in minerals and other vitamins. Chlorella also has additional cleansing properties.

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