We can avoid Health Problems in summer by following the tips given by health care experts.
In summer time there are many problems that are affecting common man like skin diseases, heavy dehydration, fainting, skin discoloration, skin burning.etc
The main parts of body which are affected by the summer heat are skin, eyes, kidney. etc.
Jaundice, Cholera and Chickenpox are very common in summer time.
These diseases will spread widely through the use of polluted water and are also wide spread through communication.
Urinary infections also happen to most people during this time.
Chickenpox is the most dangerous disease that happens due to heat.
Pregnant women should take special care to prevent getting affected by diseases.
There for we must use fruits and vegetables more in this time which willl helps to avoid dehydration .
Cucumber, tomato, water lemon etc are very good for health.
For Skin Protection
In summer time there is a chance of fungal infection in skin affects many people.
There for two times bath in cool water is need the skin.
For cooling the water we can use Ramacham (Vettiver), Malli etc.
Avoid journey at the time of noon time. Wear light cotton dresses and use umbrella.
Drinking Water
Drink 20 to 30 glass of water in summer time.
Persons who have urinary infection and kidney stones.etc should drink more water during summer. This will help in preventing Urinary Infections.
But Kidney trouble patients should not do this and they should follow the advice of Doctor. They must use hot water more.
In case of problems like loose motion , Drink ORS solution and Salted Rice water.
For getting coolness
We can use mango juice and Nellikka (Gooseberry) juice at summer .it can give more coolness.
Take 4 Gooseberry and cut them into pieces and make juice with salt or sugar.
Diabetic Patient can use rock salt and turmeric .
Use Ramacham, Malli , Elanji flowers which can be used for coolness.
We can also use cooled off water after boiling which is best for dinking at the time of journey.
Avoid refrigerated cool drinks from shops and try to use tender coconut water which is the best drinks available naturally.
Use tender cucumber which will also help the body to become cool.
We can use food from rice and wheat. Avoid hot foods like fish and meat.
Biriyani and gee rice are not digested easily so it is use only sometimes.
Season fruits like water lemon, mango, grapes and banana are very good for the body. But it should be washed before using.
Oil Bath
Use cool ayurvedic oils like eladhi and dhanwantharam for body massage. It helps in keeping the body cool and softer.
Massaging using oil and bathing helps in preventing the skin from becoming dry.
Avoid sudden bath after coming from outside , because at that time body temperature is high and It will cause fever or cold.
Also avoid drinking cold water or drinks after coming out from hot sun or after sweating.
For Eye care
Wash face and eyes with cool water. Use tender coconut oil for eye care.
Rose water is also good for eyes. At this time eye infection is very easy to spread and so special care should be taken.
Avoid dust allergy at the time of journey. If you have any conjunctivitis please consult the doctor and use antibiotics if needed.
If we prepare eye liner from home it will be more good , as there is lot of chemicals used in make up items that we purchase from shops.
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