What are the signs of infertility? Have you been trying to conceive for what seems like ‘too long’? Getting worried?
At what point should you make an appointment with your doctor? This scenario can be very upsetting for any couple!
Below we have a list of 'symptoms' which if you are noticing, you need to discuss with your doctor. However firstly, there may be unnoticeable reasons why you may be having trouble conceiving, so we will discuss these briefly.
The correct technical meaning of ‘infertility’ is not conceiving after one year of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. If a woman is over 35 years old, this time period changes to six months. This does not necessarily mean that you are unable to conceive, in fact there are numerous steps that you can do to help with the process.
The most common diagnosis from doctors is termed as ‘unexplained infertility’ which means that no obvious medical reason has been found. There are numerous reasons why a couple may be having problems conceiving, and the most evident signs of infertility may lie within your lifestyle!
Contributing factors can include - lifestyle issues such as stress, being over or under weight, substance abuse or environmental toxins. Read more in depth about these subjects and more topics under fertility problems.
We also recommend researching our fertility diet section as there are foods that can help re-balance reproductive hormones, and also foods to avoid! Nutrition can play a huge part of our reproductive health and can certainly contribute towards certain signs of infertility!
The section on trying to conceive has top fertility tips for conception such as ovulation timing and sperm friendly lubricants , this is information that every couple should know about when trying for a baby!
Throughout this website we will cover a whole range of topics so that you will have the knowledge to make the necessary changes, thus improving your chances for pregnancy. This is information for both partners.
It is always recommended to make an appointment with your doctor for a preconception care visit regardless of your situation. You should tell your doctor that you are trying to conceive. This is so that they can do routine health checks for conditions that may effect your fertility, as often there may be no obvious signs.
However there are however certain ‘symptoms’ that you should look out for, that your doctor needs to be alerted to. Remember that these ‘signs of infertility’ are clues to help your doctor make the correct diagnosis to help you in your situation. The earlier a diagnosis is made, the more opportunity you have to deal with the issue, so do not delay seeing a qualified medical expert! There are many treatments available with today’s medical knowledge and breakthroughs to help with fertility problems!
There are a few cases where a physical abnormally may truly be the cause of sterility. Some people may have been born with a reproductive system defect. This could be a women with no uterus or no egg follicles, or a man who has no sperm production capabilities at all. If this is the case then there may be other options for the couple to investigate such as sperm donors or surrogacy. Adoption may be another consideration. There are fertility specialists and counselors to help people in this situation.
Caution - this following information is not intended to be used for a self diagnosis, only a qualified medical expert can give a diagnosis.
Signs of infertility - Men's symptoms
Statistics show that men are equally as likely to have fertility problems as women.
Impotency/erection or ejaculation difficulties - may be symptoms of other underlying health conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes.
Normal visual appearance of semen -
Should semen be 'thick' or 'runny'? Why does it appear 'watery' sometimes? Is this one of the signs of infertility? Many men are concerned about what the normal consistency (appearance) of their semen should be, and if this has any relation to their sperm count?
Consistency of semen can vary greatly from one man to another. It is common for this to occasionally vary (either 'thick' in texture or sometimes becoming more 'watery' looking) depending on factors such as diet, dehydration, frequency of ejaculation etc. So for that reason there is no defined 'normal appearance'. It is normal for semen to liquidfy shortly after ejaculation. Semen is usually a semi translucent off white/gray coloring, and can sometimes have a slight yellow tinge.
You can not tell how fertile you are by just the 'look' of your ejaculate alone. Only a sperm analysis can accurately determine your sperm concentration. However, if you notice any 'substantial' or 'persistent' changes to your regular semen appearance/color, or are just worried, we advise seeking advise from a doctor for clarification or for further investigation.
Low sperm count -
There are all sorts of factors that can contribute to this sign of infertility including -
Alcohol/smoking or drug abuse
Poor diet
Environmental toxins
Tight underwear (bad circulation/heat)
Constantly sitting with legs crossed
Bike riding (cutting off circulation and overheating)
Hot baths
Having had a high fever within the last three months
X-rays and radiation
It is recommended to make any lifestyle changes needed that may be contributing to this sign of infertility, but it is also advised to discuss your results with your doctor. They can investigate any other underlying reasons that may contribute to poor sperm count.
Hormones -
Guys may not realize that they can suffer from hormone imbalances, and this can be a sign of infertility. Symptoms are varied, but it is still important to let your doctor know if you notice any of the following signs as they may be clues -
Unexplained weight gain or loss
Loss of muscle toneHeadaches
Anxiety/depression/mood swings
Low sex drive
Acne/skin problems
Breast enlargement
Hair loss
Prostate enlargement symptoms (urinary problems)
Gallbladder problems - indigestion, pain under ribs on right hand side, light colored stools
Infections -
Men can contract infections of the reproductive tract, these can be passed on through sexual contact, poor immunity, surgery complications and other medical factors. It is advised to be checked for any sexually transmitted infections (STIs) regardless, as these often show no physical signs straight away. Bacterial or viral infections can also effect the sperm count for some time afterwards. Look out for these signs of infertility -
Pain, discomfort or itching in the genital area
A painful burning sensation when urinating or discolored urine
Discharge from the penis
Unusual smell
Blood in semen (may show as a brown/pink tinge) may also be a sign of a burst blood vessel but still should get checked for infection
Any other irregular changes in semen color
High temperature
Nausea and/or vomiting
Blisters, sores or bumps in genitals
Any condition which may have caused inflammation of the testicles (orchitis) in the past including -
Injury to the genital region
Post surgery complications
Any abnormal condition of the testicles such as undecended testicles may be signs of infertility. Having suffered a torsion in the past - a condition where the blood supply to the testicles is cut off (surgery is usually required). Do not jump to conclusions here - ask your doctor for an evaluation, starting with a sperm analysis.
Varicocele - varicose veins inside the scrotum may be a sign of infertility (a very common condition for men). These may cause discomfort or you may notice these physically. Treatment is available for this condition.
Certain signs of infertility may be due to some medications. Discuss any prescription medicines that you may be taking with your doctor as some may interfere with your reproductive system as a side effect. Your doctor may be able to change your medication or adjust your dosage. Monitoring will be required to achieve the desired results.
Caution - Do not stop taking any medications without consulting your physician first!
Signs of infertility - Women's symptoms
Age -
It is not unusual for a woman to delay having a child in modern society. Reasons range from building a career and financial security, to marrying later in life. Some woman simply do not realize early on that their fertility declines with age, and this may start in your late 20’s. Since increasing age may be one of the signs of infertility, it does not necessarily mean that a woman can not get pregnant. However, a woman's chances of conceiving lessen with each year.
As a woman gets older she may also have been exposed to several factors that can influence her reproductive system such as poor diet, infections or stress. Assisted reproductive techniques are becoming highly sought out by older women.
Abnormal menstrual cycle -
This is a common sign of infertility to look out for. There are a number of reasons why a women may be having abnormal periods and this does not always mean infertility, but the sooner a problem is addressed the better. Symptoms may include -
Irregular or absent periods
Heavy and/or painful periods
Any pelvic pain or discomfort in between menstrual cycles
Hormonal imbalances -
These are also common signs of infertility. There are numerous symptoms that you may not relate to fertility. These may include -
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Weight gain
Anxiety and depression/mood swings
Facial hair growth
Hair loss
Low sex drive
Breast tenderness/lumpy tissue
Nipple discharge
Hot flushes
Night sweats/insomnia
Vaginal dryness
Acne ,oily skin or redness
Puffiness and bloating
Gallbladder problems - indigestion, pain under ribs on right hand side, light colored stools
Infections -
These may be signs of infertility problems and need to be diagnosed as soon as possible. There are many reasons for infections ranging from being sexually transmitted, a low immune system or complications post surgery. If you notice any of the following, make an appointment with your doctor straight away!
Pelvic pain in between periods
Pain during intercourse
Urinary tract or yeast infections (although very common, could be an indication of another more serious medical condition)
Unusual vaginal discharge or smell
Burning, itching or any irritation of the genital area
High temperature
Nausea and/or vomiting
Blisters, sores or bumps in the genital region
Post surgery complications
It is wise to undergo tests for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as some do not show any obvious symptoms early on and could cause damage if left untreated for a long time.
Basal body temperature -
Basil body temperature is the lowest temperature attained by the body during rest. It is usually measured immediately after you wake up, before any physical activity. Ovulation causes an increase of one half to one degree Fahrenheit or one quarter to one half of a degree Celsius. This is one of the methods used by women who are estimating their day of ovulation. This could be a sign of infertility because if there is no change in temperature, this could indicate that ovulation is not taking place.
Like with men, please discuss any prescription medicines you may be taking with your doctor, as some may cause signs of infertility as a side effect.
Caution - Do not stop taking any medications without consulting your physician first!
Information regarding some of the most diagnosed reproductive conditions
Included within this ‘signs of infertility’ section, we will discuss some of the most common reproductive problems that men and women are diagnosed with. Some of these include -
Men -
Erectile dysfunction
Sperm and seminal fluid abnormalities
Varicocele - enlarged veins in the scrotum
Obstructive azoospermia - tube/duct blockages
Women -
Blocked fallopian tubes
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOS)
We will go over some of the tests that your doctor or specialist may perform. These conditions or 'signs of infertility' have some very good treatments available, which we will discuss. Although there are no guarantees, with today's medical knowledge and breakthroughs - hope is out there!
Fertility definition
A simple question but the answer is not always so clear. Find out our fertility definition.
Considering having a sperm analysis?
Read all about how a sperm analysis can provide extremely important information in regards to your fertility!
Wondering what you can do to help increase your sperm count?
How to increase sperm count? There are many different things that you can do to naturally help your 'swimmers'! If you have been diagnosed with a low sperm count, don't fret! This is one of the signs of infertility that you can be pro-active towards! We have the best information for you!
Need help fixing erectile dysfunction? (Commonly called impotence)
This health issue is more common than you probably realize! There are excellent success rates with treatments for fixing erectile dysfunction! We also discuss the leading causes of impotence.
What is secondary infertility?
Secondary infertility is the inability to conceive a child, after the birth of one or more children. This often takes couples by surprise! We will discuss the causes of secondary infertility, and the steps you need to take.
Immune system dysfunction can affect fertility
There are numerous immune system disorders that can hinder your chances of conceiving or cause pregnancy complications. Find out about general health, autoimmune disorders, antisperm antibodies, immunodefiency, and how immune cells can malfunction causing reproductive problems. There is good help available for these immune signs of infertility
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